
This is our blog, I and I. We, Isobel and Iris or (I and I) met in kindergarten and, though Isobel moved across the country, we remained best friends and created this blog. We try to post daily and keep you updated on EVERYTHING that (we think) matters. Enjoy!

- Isobel and Iris

(P.S For more information, go to "About Us")

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I forgot to say!

Okay about my post about the guest blogger for a day thing, (if you haven't read it scroll down and read it please,) I forgot to mention a bit about the rules. basically all the rules from Isobel's idea apply. such as please post your video or photo in HTML and if you don't know what that is don't bother to post a video or photo. For my post I would like to add that this rule applies, unless it is a google image, youtube video, or twitter pic, in which case please just show us a link in the comment and I'll get it on the blog.

please don't use the embedding code to put the pic directly into the comment, for several reasons,

1. because that way it isn't exactly promoting following, because instead of people reading the post to see the video and stuff, they'll just look at the comment of the video and pay no attention to the post, in my figuring.

2. it makes it altogether harder for us post it on the blog, because we have to figure out where the video is and therefore how to get it onto the blog, because at least I'm not that clever, so, yeah.

3. Just don't do it!

Okay, if you have read the post about guest blogger for a day, you probably remember the deadline is September 1, well I figure
that by then everyone will have forgotten, so I'm going to change the date. and also, Isobel, if they're is a problem with this date then go ahead onto editing posts and change it to something better!
I think the date should be July 30th, because that way we will hopefully all remember whatever on earth I'm talking about!

And also, I would like to say that also as in Isobel's post, we would like everybody to participate.

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